Do you remember those Lifetime movies that start at the end and go back to the beginning? Our lives are like a timeline of events waiting on us to enter our scene to start, impromptu in whatever direction we choose to go. There is no right or wrong way; you will end up in the same place. Although, it is up to you how long the story or movie will go. You can extend your journey or scene by exploring different routes or changing the script to see an alternate outcome. Either way, the same ending, unless you get canceled during your season. Born in God's love, birthed through His chosen vessels to my parents Angelia and Curtis Moss on July 25, 1980. God chose a woman in her forties to tell an interesting and endearing story. Showing others going through the same thing that it's all a part of our Father's predesigned plan. I am a mother of three amazing children, Olivia, Christopher, and Heaven, and we reside in our hometown, Meridian, Mississippi. Though I am blessed to be able to share my testimony, writing isn't my day job. By day, I'm a substitute teacher, caregiver, home improvement store cashier, and student. Wearing so many hats can be challenging, but God never gives us more than we can handle. My entire life thus far has been preparing me to find the calm in a seemingly chaotic life.